How is it possible that my baby girl is 1 already?!?! Unbelievable! Peyton is the sweetest little cuddle bug whose smiles light up my whole world! This past year has been more challenging (transitioning from one child to two, first year in childcare, the dreaded ear tubes, you name it, it happened this year) than I could have ever imagined, but I wouldn't trade it for the world, because it had her in it! For her first birthday party, I wanted to do something special and original...just like her! I had been practicing letters and their sounds with my oldest daughter and dinner one night and the idea came to me...What if we themed the birthday party around the letter P?
Letter "P" wreath to welcome party guests.. |
We constantly refer to Peyton as Sweet P, P nut, and pretty much any play on words we can come up with, so it seemed like a no brainer that we would theme the party based on that. Claire and I brainstormed items and fun things that started with "p" while Peyton happily munched on her puffs and the beginning stages of the party were planned...
Cupcake table, complete with cupcakes in the shape of the letter P, party bags for the kids and Peyton's month by month pictures placed around the table in (you guessed it) letter P's |
Pink and Purple became the obvious choice for party colors. Of course, we also threw in Polka dots any chance we got!
Peyton's party favor bag |
The cupcake table featured vanilla and chocolate cupcakes with pink and purple icing and sprinkles. I found the coolest cake pan that allows you to make a cake in any letter or number. I used it to make a smash cake shaped in the letter P
I wish I had a better picture, but I was a little busy this day, and this is the best I could do, haha! |
Month pictures |
Using pink and purple polka dot cardstock, I printed off all of Peyton's month pictures and cut them into the shape of the opening in the letter "P" and hung them around the cupcake table for party guests to check out.
Who knew the letter "P" lent itself to so many food options. On the, potato chips, pretzels, pop, and punch
Princess Peyton of course had to have her thrown decorated, so I used my handy dandy Cricut, cardstock and ribbon to make this bunting for her highchair.
Highchair bunting |
Perhaps the most fun part of setting up for this party was theming each of the tables with things that start with the letter "P." I used cardboard letters purchased at my local craft store and painted in (wait for it...) purple and pink with polka dots. Each table had a letter "P" with balloons attached and surrounded by items found around the house that pertained to the theme. Themes included penguins, piggies, posies, ponies, puzzles, and pandas. We also added two play tables in the back, one with pirates and one with princesses.
P is for Penguins table |
P is for Piggies table |
P is for Posies table |
P is for Ponies table |
P is for Puppies table |
P is for Puzzles table |
P is for Pandas table |
The birthday girl herself could not have cared less about the theme and all of the time her craft nerd mommy put into the party, but she certainly had a wonderful day, and her clear favorite activity was digging into her "P" shaped smash cake. And smash she did...
Peyton modeling her smash cake prior to the smash |
Love those pink teeth |
Total demolition! |
"Helping" to open her gifts... |
An awesome string art sign my aunt made for Peyton that she will keep forever. Love it!
Fun was had by all!
Happy Birthday, Sweet P!!!