Monday, February 25, 2013

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Birthday Party!!!

The beautiful, birthday girl blowing out the candle on her Toodles cake

"M-I-C-K-E-Y...Sing it if you know it! Here are some pics of my super sweet niece, Camdyn's second birthday party, which was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse-Themed! My sister-in-law put all of her creative juices into making this party FANTASTIC!!! I mean, she was NOT playing around in preparation for this shindig! My fave part of the party was the hot dog'll see why below:

My S-I-L-'s awesome and delicious Toodles cake!

Banner reads "Camdyn's TWOdles!" LOVE!!!

Rice Krispie treats shaped like Mickey and dipped in chocolate

 Mickey cookies-Adhere two mini Oreos for ears to one large Oreo using icing. Dip bottom of large Oreo in white chocolate (dyed red, of course) and embellish with two white chocolate "buttons"---Brilliance!!!

A very Mickey birthday, indeed!

And here it is...the "Hot Dog Stand" created completely out of my S-I-L's mind using cardboard boxes and rolled, gray pieces of paper

The "hot dogs" themselves were made using circus peanuts, caramel candies, and red, yellow, and green icing. ADORBS!!!


  1. Hi
    I'm Co-hosting with Katherines Corner this week and wanted to say hello. I love these hot dogs. Everything is to adorable.
    Angel @

    1. Hi, Angel! I could've sworn I already replied to you, but in checking my comments, I realize that I hadn't. Sorry! Aren't those hot dogs awesome!?!? My sister-in-law totally outdid herself on that one :0) Thanks for stopping by! I definitely linked up!

  2. Adorable!! What a really awesome Hot Dog stand!! Thank you for sharing at Party In Polka Dots!!!

  3. Wishing some of my niece's craftiness would rub off on their old aunt!!! They are just way talented and so creative!!! Can't wait for Shannon to post what she's doing for my 50th birthday party!!!

    1. You will just have to settle for passing onto to us wit and excellent comedic timing, haha! Can't wait to party it up with you, Garfield style, Rene!!!

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