Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lookie What I Found!!! Panda and Penguin Beads!

While walking through my fave store (ok, so I have a lot of "fave stores," sue me!), Hobby Lobby, I found the cutest glass beads!

How flippin' cute are these penguins???

So stoked about these panda beads, too!

Since we are planning a panda-themed party for Claire's first birthday, I am particularly excited about the panda beads! Aaaand, since Pittsburgh is represented by the best hockey team on earth, I look forward to rocking out some penguins jewelry to support them in the very near future! Here are the pendants and earrings I made thusfar:

Pendants-I added noses and beads to resemble bodies to the pandas. The penguins were perfect on their own!

A panda pendant and matching earrings I intend to wear to the party

Taking orders, if anyone else wants!


  1. Perfection!!!! I think Claire needs a sweet little Panda long as she doesn't put it in her mouth!!


I love hearing your feedback and getting your ideas, so bring 'em on!!!