Thursday, February 28, 2013

Adorable St. Patty's Day Idea-Mail A Rainbow

I just came across the most adorable idea for St. Patrick's Day! Christy of "From Gumdrops to Glitter" opened my eyes to the possibility of mailing boxes of candy in the mail by simply slapping on an address label and some postage! Imagine the possibilities...Anyway, this particular idea involves sending boxes of Skittles to your faves, aka "Mail a Rainbow," in celebration of St. Patty's Day! I heart this idea SO much! Thanks, Christy!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Birthday Party!!!

The beautiful, birthday girl blowing out the candle on her Toodles cake

"M-I-C-K-E-Y...Sing it if you know it! Here are some pics of my super sweet niece, Camdyn's second birthday party, which was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse-Themed! My sister-in-law put all of her creative juices into making this party FANTASTIC!!! I mean, she was NOT playing around in preparation for this shindig! My fave part of the party was the hot dog'll see why below:

My S-I-L-'s awesome and delicious Toodles cake!

Banner reads "Camdyn's TWOdles!" LOVE!!!

Rice Krispie treats shaped like Mickey and dipped in chocolate

 Mickey cookies-Adhere two mini Oreos for ears to one large Oreo using icing. Dip bottom of large Oreo in white chocolate (dyed red, of course) and embellish with two white chocolate "buttons"---Brilliance!!!

A very Mickey birthday, indeed!

And here it is...the "Hot Dog Stand" created completely out of my S-I-L's mind using cardboard boxes and rolled, gray pieces of paper

The "hot dogs" themselves were made using circus peanuts, caramel candies, and red, yellow, and green icing. ADORBS!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Last Minute Valentine Ideas

Ok, so I can't take credit for coming up with ANY of the following snazzy Valentine ideas, but they were too cute and creative to avoid sharing. I know this doesn't give you much time, but better later late than never! And some of these could take less than five minutes to complete...God bless ya, Pinterest!!!

A few of the adorable and creative designs, courtesy of Design Finch

Loooove the kid with the lollipop!

How awesome is this??? Courtesy of Mudpie Studio's blog

Mmmm...Who wouldn't love to receive (and DEVOUR) this Valentine?