Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Garfield party decorations

As promised, here are some highlights of my Aunt Rene's 50th birthday party. I mentioned in my post from last week that Rene is a HUGE Garfield fan but had a lot of difficulty finding Garfield decorations..Enter her craft nerd niece (aka-ME)! Here are some pics from the party and of the birthday girl herself.
50 looks good on this girl!
Garfield buckets-made from orange sand pails, felt and hot glue and used for MANY different purposes, like centerpieces...
and cake pop holders...
and wine buckets!!!
Centerpiece, candles and Garfield message book for all of the party peeps to sign
This circular placemat was found at my local dollar store and, with a little craft foam, became more decor for the birthday girl!

Pool noodle Garfield wreath-instructions can be found HERE!


  1. It wouldn't have been Garfield without Shannon!!! Thank you so much for EVERYTHING!!! It was an amazing birthday!!! Love ya!

  2. What a fun party! Everything turned out great!

    I would love for you to share this (and any other post!) at my Life of the Party link up. It just opened! Im going to poke around your blog a little more.

    1. Thanks so much, Kelley! Poke away, haha! I will definitely be joining your party!!! "See" you over there!

  3. Oh my gosh, my nephew loves Garfield. I am sending your post to my sister for his upcoming birthday:)


    1. Please do!!! Unfortunately, Garfield party stuff is really hard to come by, but with a little time and some inexpensive supplies, a DIY Garfield party can be done! Have your sister also check her local Dollar Tree for Garfield, birthday balloons! Thanks for the comment! Have s great week!

  4. These party decorations are so cute Shannon! Pinning this!

  5. How adorable. So impressed with how creative you got with this. Stopping by from Mr. and Mrs. Winslett!

  6. Thanks so much! I had a blast making everything! Looking forward to checking out your site!


I love hearing your feedback and getting your ideas, so bring 'em on!!!