Thursday, August 23, 2012

Cricut users...did you know???


Ok, so maybe pregnancy and now being a mommy has "hidden me under a rock" all this time, but I totally just discovered today that the cricut website, has a Craft Room, in which users can, not only create projects by hooking up their machines to their computers and adjust objects on existing Cricut cartridges in a variety of ways, but also choose from a library of digital images that can be downloaded and edited and cut. I downloaded the "Mustaches and Glasses" images for my nephew Royce's 1st birthday party, which includes 6 types of mustaches and 3 types of glasses, for $1.99. This girl is PUMPED to start cranking out the mustaches to decorate balloons, straws, photo booth props, and who knows what else for Royce's "Mustache Bash!" Thank you, good people of Cricut!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!!
    And glad to see you posting your creative genius again! :)


I love hearing your feedback and getting your ideas, so bring 'em on!!!