Thursday, December 5, 2013

2x4 Steelers Snowman

Hi, my name is Shannon...and I'm a craft-o-holic! My husband has been reminding me lately just how out of control my obsesh tends to get in the wintertime and, in looking at my receipts as of late, I must say he's got a point (I hate that)! The solution??? Find random stuff and transform it into something else! I decided to start by using one of the pieces of wood I had recently found in my grandparents' shed. Here's how I turned a boring piece of lumber into a decorative snowman boasting my favorite, football team...

-wood of any shape or size
-white, spray paint
-black paint pen
-spray sealant
-orange felt
-black, permanent marker
-1/4 yard of fleece
-fabric scissors
-glue gun and glue sticks
-buttons or beads (I used plastic, football beads I happened to have on hand!)


1. Sand the piece of wood, in order for paint to adhere effectively

2. Spray two coats of white paint, covering the wood completely.

3. Draw eyes and a mouth using a black, paint pen.

4. Spray one coat of sealant over the painted wood and let dry.

5. Cut a carrot shape out of orange felt and add detail using a permanent marker. Adhere to the face using hot glue

6. Cut a 9"x6" piece of fleece and wrap around the top of the wood to create the hat. Hot glue the seam where the fleece overlaps to secure it to the wood. Roll up about an inch of the fleece at the bottom of the hat and glue in place.

7. Cut a thin piece of  fleece about 6 inches long and tie around the middle of the hat. Using fabric scissors, fringe the top of the fabric into about 1/4" strips

8. Cut a piece of 4"x18" fleece. Wrap around the "neck" of the snowman and adhere to wood using hot glue. Cut fringe into the ends of the scarf.
9. Hot glue 3-5 beads or buttons to the wood

There you have it! Success! I just wish I could say the same for the football team it represents. Maybe next season...

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