Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Autism Awareness Necklace

Now that the Easter insanity has come to a close, I can finally show you this easy-to-make and able to be worn with everything necklace to celebrate Autism Awareness month. As some of you might know, I am an Autism Support teacher and hold this cause very near and dear to my heart. Autism now effects 1 in 68 children and there is no cure at this time. Researchers continue to work tirelessly to determine its cause and are getting closer to determining factors. Knowledge is power, folks, and bringing awareness to this cause can only help increase support and understanding of individuals on the Autism spectrum. For more info., feel free to check out this awesome site. Here are the steps to make a necklace of your very own!


-chain with closures (mine was about 18")
-puzzle piece charm (Hobby Lobby and Michael's both sell them in their "Charms" sections)
-split ring
-blue, faceted glass bead
-head pin
-wire cutters
-needle-nosed pliers

1. Using needle-nosed pliers, open the split ring and place the puzzle piece charm onto it.

2. Place blue bead onto head pin and cut remainder of the pin about 1" above the bead. Create a loop using needle-nosed pliers

3. Place blue bead onto split ring. Close split ring using pliers.

4. String pendant onto the necklace. If closures are too large, simply open the split ring and close once around necklace.

Together, let's Light it up Blue for Autism Awareness!!!

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