Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Scrabble Tile Coasters-third and final Scrabble gift, I promise!

Scrabble tile coasters for my mother-in-law, Francie, and my father-in-law, Bob

Here is another SUPER simple Christmas gift idea using (you guessed it!) Scrabble tiles! Using blank coasters (I found  a pack of 6 blank coasters at my local craft store for just under $2, score!), I arranged 4 rows of 5 Scrabble tiles, spelling out the names of the recipients in the second row (for my mother-in-law, Francie, I obviously also used a portion of the third row, as well!). After determining the order of letters, I removed them and painted a thick coat of Mod Podge across the front of the coaster. I then put the letters back onto the coaster in their appropriate order, making sure to center them as much as possible. After allowing the Mod Podge to dry for about 20 minutes, I spread two more layers of Mod Podge over the top of the Scrabble tiles and allowed them to dry. Using an acryllic sealant, I sprayed the coaster, allowed it to dry, and Voila!!! An unbelivably quick and easy craft project that works as a functional and personalized gift for any recipient!

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