Thursday, October 3, 2013

Growing Apples and Pumpkins Book and Apple Timeline Craft

In my classroom this year, I have decided to plan my weekly craft project (and trust me, if I could do it more than once per week, I would) around the book we have read. Each week, my plan is to post our book and project weekly for you to try at home or in your classrooms! Please keep in mind that the focus of our crafting is to work on fine motor skills and following directions, not on submitting them to museums based on quality of work, haha! I will also be posting the Pinterest project that inspired our craft each week, to give you an idea of modifications that can be made. This week, we read the book Growing Apples and Pumpkins, to celebrate the awesomeness that is Fall, and created Apple Timelines to demonstrate out understanding of how apples are grown.

If you haven't read this book, its great for fall and shows children the process of growing apples and pumpkins using photos.

How cute are these apple timelines, originally posted by A Mommy's Adeventure blog. They are made of construction paper and marker. I love the poem written across the timeline, "Eat an apple. Save the core. Plant the seeds. And grow some more."

While our classroom versions are not nearly as spectacular as the original version, students benefitted from learning fine motor skills by cutting and pasting and following directions, in order to complete the project. 

Learning + Crafting = 1 Very Happy Teacher!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have faint memories of doing a similar project as a child. We also learned the Johnny Appleseed song. :)


I love hearing your feedback and getting your ideas, so bring 'em on!!!