Sunday, January 12, 2014

Candy Cane and Washi Tape Valentine Centerpieces

Does anyone else ever forget that they purchased candy canes at Christmas time, only to find them all as soon as Christmas is over? Ooops! If  I had a nickel for every candy cane I threw away after cleaning up decorations...Ergh!!! This year, I was determined to find some way to reuse these delightfully-shaped candies and save them from the dreaded trash can once and for all! Using washi tape, pencils, and my handy, dandy hot glue gun, I was able to transform those bad boys into pieces for a cute, Valentine's day centerpiece that is now proudly displayed in my home. Check out how below:
-candy canes (I used 6 to create 3 hearts)
-washi tape
-unsharpened pencils
-glue gun and glue sticks


1. Place two candy canes together to create a heart shape. Wrap the candy canes together and both ends using washi tape.
2. Wrap washi tape around the candy canes, covering them competely
3. Place hot glue at the bottom of the heart and adhere the eraser end of a pencil. Let dry
4. Wrap the pencil with washi tape
5. After heart sticks are completed, arrange them in a vase with conversation hearts for super cute V-day decorating!

1 comment:

  1. love the frugal idea thanks for sharing visiting from valentines hop have a great day


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