Monday, September 5, 2011

30 Years Old and Lookin' Fly!

In honor of my bestest friend Tammie's 30th birthday (which was two days ago...sorry I didn't post on the actual day, but I was out of town celebrating it with her), I would love for you to check out her business venture, Pine Hill Granola. Tammie makes and markets the most delicious granola I have ever eaten! Who knew something SO delicious could be so good for you! Currently, it is being sold in original, blueberry, and cranberry flavors, as well as a version with no nuts for those with allergies, although Tam has HUGE plans for where this product will go (pumpkin spice flavors for fall, hot chocolate flavors for winter, granola cookies, chocolate-granola bars, the list goes on and on)! Be sure to "like" her Facebook page for updates and information on this Dee-lish product, as well as to make purchases of existing products (trust me, it will NOT disappoint!).

The beautiful birthday girl

Tammie, my sister, Kyra, and I---random, ridiculous poses are kinda what we do!

Happy 30th birthday, Tam Tam!!!! Love you to the moon!

1 comment:

I love hearing your feedback and getting your ideas, so bring 'em on!!!