Monday, March 18, 2013

Washer Necklace

If I were to make a pie chart based on all of the time I have spent crafting in my lifetime, a giant chunk of that pie would be reserved for jewelry-making; however, small, metal pieces and beads plus an eight-month-old moving around and putting everything she grabs into her mouth makes for one VERY anxious madre! Needless to say, that pie piece keeps getting more and more narrow; however, every once in a while, I have a jewelry-making binge fest while my sweet pea naps. My most recent binge resulted in this washer necklace. I was inspired by a variety pack of washers I found at my local dollar store, so I got right to work on turning them into a super cute necklace using split rings and chain, bringing the total cost of the necklace to under $2.00.  Here are the steps I took to complete this sweet accessory:

The box of washers purchased for just $1. Whoop!!!

-split rings
-chain cut into 9, 12-link pieces
-6 extra small washers
-6 small washers
-4 medium washers
-1 large washer


1. Cut chain into 9, 12-link pieces
2. Attach a split ring to the end of a piece of chain and a split ring and lobster clasp to another piece. These will form the necklace closure.
3. Attach one of the smallest washer to the opposite ends of each of the chains using a split ring and needle nosed pliers
4. Attach a split ring to the opposite side of the washers on each side of the necklace and connect to another piece of chain.
5. Continue this process with washers gradually increasing in size. At the end of the 7th and 8th pieces of chain, attach one split ring to each side and connect both rings to the largest washer.
6. Attach a split ring and the final piece of chain to the bottom of the largest washer.
7. Using split rings and washers of various size, attach them to the middle chain randomly.

And there ya have it, folks! Frugal and fab!!

1 comment:

  1. I've made smth. like this myself - love it.
    I'm a new follower of your very inspiring blog - through GFC.
    Have a wonderful day!


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