Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wizard of Oz Door Decor

Our stellar door
Our school recently held a door decorating contest that offered a first place prize of a pizza party! Fortunately for me, I have the arts-and-craftiest bunch of staff members a girl could ever want or need. After a theme was determined, (how awesome is this theme, btw?) and parts were assigned, staff was all over it, and the final creation became more than I ever could've imagined! I would looooove to be able to show you each of the characters individually; however, I would love even more to keep my job and protect the privacy of my students and staff, so I'm afraid this is the best I can do. Oh, by the way, our pizza party is scheduled for next Friday :0)

A closer view-How awesome is the rolled, construction paper Emerald City???

The bottom half with some areas strategically blurred for the sake of privacy


  1. That's awesome!!! Way to go on winning! Holla!!!!
    And are you Glinda the good witch?!? :)

  2. Shannon,

    What a FANTABULOUS DOOR!!! Your students rock!!! Of course, it is because they have such an AWESOME teacher... Way to go, ROOM 211. ENJOY THAT PIZZA.....

    Mary Beth

  3. That's so ridiculously amazing!!!! Congrats to all involved!!!


I love hearing your feedback and getting your ideas, so bring 'em on!!!