Sunday, March 2, 2014

Simple Mardi Gras Masks

Every year, around the beginning of March, I tend to kick myself for forgetting all about a Mardi Gras craft project! Between Valentine's Day, which feeds right into Dr. Seuss' birthday (which may not be huge to everyone, but if you're a teacher like me, its "the bee's knees!" ), which feeds right into St. Patrick's Day, the New Orleans holiday tends to slip through my fingers each year. Well, not this year! Our school subscribes to a program called News-2-You  in which current events are detailed in a more simplified and visually supported fashion for the students that we serve. Its awesome, and my students love it! The most recent article we read was guessed it...Mardi Gras, which inspired a very quickly-prepared but really cute mask project to go along with the reading! Thank goodness my students have a craft nerd for a teacher, therefore having all necessary materials readily available! Here's how you can create some Mardi Gras masks of your own and just in time for the big celebration


-cardstock or poster board
-Elmer's glue
-glitter (the one in the pics uses gold, purple, and green, but any and all glitter was available for this project)
-Paper straws
-Scotch tape


1. Cut mask out of poster board or cardstock using template (the site attached to this post has some adorable mask template options)

2. Use Elmer's glue to adhere glitter, sequins, and feathers (as much or as little as you want-gotta love the kinds of projects where there are no right or wrong ways to create!)

3. After masks have completely tried, tape paper straw to the back of the mask

4. Enjoy celebrating Mardi Gras on Tuesday!!!

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