Saturday, August 6, 2011

Felt Quiet Book-Part 1

I've been dying to post this craft project, but seeing as how one of these items is a baby shower gift for my sister, I had to wait until the baby shower actually occurred before I posted. Because the baby shower is today at 2:00.
I found pictures of felt quiet books online and thought they were absolutely the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Of course, I had to make one (or, what I thought would be one until I got on a roll and ended up completing a second one in the process). I used 8.5x11 felt sheets for the pages and cover of the book  and scraps of felt that I have been stock-piling from other projects for the page details and movable pieces. While I cut out some of the felt pieces myself, I also printed clip art images onto iron-on transfers for the pieces that required additional details, as my artistic abilities are limited, and ironed them onto pieces of felt. I cut out rectangular pieces of felt and put Tacky glue around the sides to paste to the felt pages to the left of each corresponding page, forming a pocket for storage of movable pieces.
After everything was glued down and cut out, I sewed all of the pages together to bind the book and added an iron-on transfer to the cover with the book’s title and author (moi!).  My sister is having a children’s book themed baby shower, so I am super excited to give her one of the quiet books, along with a few other children’s books I love (as a teacher, I am officially and completely obsessed with children’s books). The second quiet book will go to my unbelievably adorable and sweet niece, Camdyn, who is almost 9 months old. While neither book recipient will be able to use the book independently for a little while, I know that they will grow to appreciate and love them (and hopefully use them to give their parents a little peace and quiet while out and about as an added bonus
Here are pictures of the second quiet book. Tomorrow, I will post pictures of the quiet book that will officially be my sister's in just a short while.

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