Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Chevron Painted Children's Stool

One of the (many...just ask my husband) gifts we gave Claire for her birthday was a wooden stool. While she probably can't use it the way it is meant to be used just yet, I could not pull myself away from buying it when I saw it at the craft store (story of my life)! Do you ever start thinking  about the endless amount of possibilities there are to decorate something and then get so overwhelmed that you have to put the project away and give it a few days (or weeks, or months...) before actually picking it up again and making it happen? Yeah, me neither ;) After thoughtful contemplation for longer than I care to admit, I decided on the pattern and color-scheme I wanted and got to work.

 Here's what... 

 Materials needed: 

 -acrylic paint (I used a light purple and a light blue for my color scheme) 
-foam paint brush or roller
-painter's tape 
-vinyl, adhesive letters -sealant spray 


 1. Paint the stool with two coats of acrylic paint in the color chosen as the base.

 2. After paint is completely dry, place painter's tape across the seat of the stool in a chevron pattern. 
     My pattern is, in no way, even, but I think its got character!

 3. Paint two coats of second color over the seat of the stool.

 4. Once the paint is completely dry, carefully peel off the painter's tape. Touch up any spots that may 
     have bled.

 5. Adhere vinyl letters to the seat of the stool. 

 6. Spray two coats of sealant on the stool. 

While it is not perfect, and I can see the lines I should've made straighter and marks of paint I could've made cleaner, I look forward to watching her use it to brush her teeth on her own or to sit on to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the morning and to hopefully keep for years and years to come because mommy made it for her! In my book, there is no greater reason to craft than that!


  1. Your stool is adorable. Love the chevron!

    1. Thanks so much! It was actually much easier to decorate than I expected!

  2. I have a vintage stool that I would like to recover and your chevron looks so sweet i think i'll try it! New follow for your blog. I posted anchor dress to Sew Can Do. Drop by:)

  3. I hope you do, and I'd love to see the completed project! I will definitely be dropping by! Thanks so much for following!!!

  4. It is adorable, you are invited to share this with Show Your Stuff:

  5. This is SUPER cute, great job! We would love for you to share at our fun Super Summer Saturday link up here: Thanks! Julie

  6. Very cute! Thank you for sharing at Party In Polka Dots!


  7. Thanks for hosting such great parties, Shelley!

  8. She is super Cute! what a sweet baby girl...oh and the stool looks adorable too! I'm sure she is loving it!


I love hearing your feedback and getting your ideas, so bring 'em on!!!