Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sooo Proud of Sissybabes!

So, I really hope she doesn't hate me for doing this, but I am just so stinking proud of my sissybabes for all that she has accomplished in a year's time that I am willing to suffer whatever consequences may ensue...

Before and after

This hot mama has (literally) worked her butt off this year, not only to lose about 45 pounds, but also to establish healthy eating for she and her family, live a more active lifestyle (can we say from walks to a half marathon in less than a year??? Hiyo!!!), and somehow find the time to blog about her incredible transformation regularly. I encourage you to check out her blog, as it is written in a way that only Kyra can write and is absolutely inspiring! Sissybabes, you were amazing before, but you have raised the amazing bar to incredible new heights now, and we could not be prouder of you! Get it, girl!!!

Kyra after one of her races and with her beautiful family, hubby Michael and sweet little man, Royce


  1. Wow, what a transformation!! She should be so proud of herself!!

  2. Thanks, sissybabes!!
    I ain't mad at ya! ;)

  3. Oh are amazeballs (using Shannon's word!) So proud of you and happy that you have found your niche and now Michael too!!! Keep up the good work! Maybe one of these days I'll be back to doing this, too!! Love you!


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